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Conor Chi

Conor Chi is a graduating art student at Freedom High School. He has spent the past 4 years of his high school career participating in art classes, as well as dabbling in graphic design, and even joined the National Art Honors Society in his Sophomore year. Conor has always had a passion for drawing and the arts, doodling numerous drawings on his homework and test papers in elementary and middle school. During his studies in Art 1, 2, 3 and 4 he learned so much about what it meant to create art and the different ways he could go about doing it, thanks in no small part to his teachers. Conor’s teachers were the truly special part about his art classes, they helped him grow as not just an artist but a student as well and helped cultivate his passion for art even when he was starting to get burnt out. The art classes fostered the growth of his expression and creativity and Conor would not be the same person he is today, a passionate student graduating into college, without these classes and the encouragement from his mentors

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