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Kris Aban

Kris Aban has been all over the Art Department at Freedom High School since the beginning. From taking Art I during their Freshman year, Computer Graphic Design and Photography during Sophomore year, and Art II and Drawing & Painting during Junior year, Kris has nearly every area covered. For the 2018-2019 school year, Kris had their art design selected for Freedom High School’s student handbook. As for their Senior year, they took the leap from Art II straight to AP Studio Art, focusing on 2D art for their portfolio. Alongside that, they were going to take Ceramics, but due to the circumstances, this class was changed to Survey Art/Architecture History. As devoted as Kris is with their art, most of the time culminating during the past years has been practice and progress towards honing their artistic skills in order to prepare them for creating their personal portfolio.

Kris holds art near and dear to their heart as it has been something that has and continues to help them throughout life. One of their favourite things about art is the flexibility, and they are always looking for new ways to try new techniques or find all sorts of ways to create the images they see in their head. Kris has a preference of creating surrealistic and cartoonish styles over realistic styles, and they love creating and drawing characters as well as atmospheric pieces. They also have a main focus and preference of using digital media over traditional media. For the next year, Kris will be taking a gap year in order to acquire some life experience as well as work on their portfolio before returning to study the following year. Kris would like to send all their appreciation towards their peers as well as their art teachers for the past few years for all the support they’ve given them. Nothing means more to the world to them than seeing their art get appreciated and get honest feedback on it; really, it means the world to Kris. Thank you

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