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Rachel Deal

Rachel Deal is a senior at Freedom High School and has always been passionate about creating art. In their time at Freedom, they have taken Art I as a freshman, Art II as a sophomore, and Art III, Computer Graphic Design, and Painting & Drawing as a junior. This year, they took AP Studio Art. Their AP Portfolio is an exploration of mental health and mental illness, as well as their own experiences with it through 2-Dimensional art pieces with a media focus on paint and colored pencil. 


Throughout the duration of their time in art classes, they have grown in both their technical and creative abilities. This year in AP Art provided an opportunity for more massive improvement in these fields. The hardcore nature of the class demanded for practice and improvement, and that can be seen throughout Rachel’s portfolio. As they took time to create every piece, they learned more about different artistic mediums and experimented more with creative concepts than they ever had to do in their previous art classes.


In the fall of 2021, Rachel will be attending NOVA Community college with a focus on art and art history classes. They are undecided in their major as of now. Rachel is incredibly grateful for all the teachers that have supported them and helped them on their path through high school and specifically those that helped them develop as an artist. They would not be where they are today without them. 

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